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Making a new Ext Dep Type

This will require a core code change in order to work! Please contact the maintainers to facilitate this process.

1) Make a new class

This class needs to implement a few things...

Required Functions

These functions are not implemented by the base class.


If you wish your extdep type to be able to take advantage of the Stuart extdep cache, make sure to call super().fetch() before any type-specific code. If this returns True, a valid cache was found and the contents have been copied into the final destination.

If a valid cache is not found and type-specific code must be used to fetch, make sure to call self.copy_to_global_cache(...) after successfully fetching so that the cache may be used on subsequent calls. Do this before populating the state file.

Optional Functions

These functions are implemented by the base class but you could overload them to add more functionality. I will describe the action of the base class here.\


__init__ sets up all the required fields from the descriptor object. If you are adding a field to the descriptor, just make sure to call super().__init__(descriptor)


Clean will call shutil.rmtree(dir_path) twice and then give up.


Verify is meant to return true if the state_file.json matches the ext_dep.json file.

2) Add your type to ExtDepFactory in edk2toolext.environment.external_dependency

Adding your type here will be necessary in order for the ExtDepFactory to recognize your new type as valid.