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Logging ANSI Handler

This document details the Ansi Handler

How to Use

from edk2toollib.logging.ansi_handler import ColoredStreamHandler

handler = ColoredStreamHandler(stream, strip=True, convert=False)
formatter = ColoredFormatter()

Usage info

ColoredStreamHandler() will create a handler from the logging package. It accepts a stream (such as a file) and will display the colors in that particular stream as needed to the console. There are two options, strip and convert.

ColoredFormatter() will create a formatter from the logging package that will insert ANSI codes according to the logging level into the output stream.

ColoredStreamHandler Arguments

1. strip

Strip will strip ANSI codes if the terminal does not support them (such as windows).

2. convert

Convert will convert ANSI codes on windows platforms into windows platform calls.

ColoredFormatter Arguments

1. msg

The best documentation for this is from Python itself. It's the same message that's passed into the formatted base class.

2. use_azure

Azure Dev ops can support colors with certain keywords. This turns that on instead of using ANSI.


To put color into your life and your terminal, we needed to support coloring based on logging levels. ANSI seemed like a universal choice. The StreamHandler is just a workaround for windows based systems that don't support ANSI natively.