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Fdf parser


Code to help parse EDK2 Fdf files.


FDF parser object that represents an FDF file.


Name Type Description
Parsed bool

Whether the object contains a parsed FDF file

Lines list[str]

an ordered list of each line in the FDF file

Dict dict

dict of form: {"VariableName": Value}

FVs dict

dict of form: {"sectionName": {"Dict": {}, "Infs": [], "Files": {}}}

FDs dict

dict of form: {"sectionName": {}}

CurrentSection list

all lines in current section

Path str

path to FDF file


__init__() -> HashFileParser

Inits an empty FDF parser.


GetNextLine() -> str

Returns the next line to parse.

Performs manipulation on the line like replacing variables, processing conditionals, etc.


InsertLinesFromFile(file_path: str) -> None

Adds additional lines to the Lines Attribute from the provided file.


ParseFile(filepath: str) -> None

Parses the provided FDF file.