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Edk2 Database

Edk2DB enables EDKII repository developers or maintainers to query specific information about their workspace. Edk2Db utilizes the sqlalchemy and sqlite3 python modules to create and manipulate a sqlite database. Multiple Table generators are provided with edk2-pytool-library that developers can register and use, however a Table Generator interface is also provided to allow the creation of additional parsers that create tables and insert rows into them.

Edk2DB provides a unique key (a uuid) for each execution of parse to all table generators. This unique key can optionally be used as a column in the table to distinguish common values between parsing (Such as having a database that contains parsed information about a platform as if it was built in DEBUG mode and as if it was built in RELEASE mode. Another example is database that contains parsed information for multiple platforms or packages.)

The database generated in an actual sqlite database and any tools that work on a sqlite database will work on this database. VSCode provides multiple extensions for viewing and running queries on a standalone database, along with other downloadable tools.

Once parsing is complete, the easiest way to work with the data is to use the context manager with <db>.session() as session: which provides access to a sqlalchemy session variable for working with data in the database. By using sqlalchemy as an ORM, users do not need to worry about the database itself, and will be able to work with python objects representing rows in a database. This will be discussed in Working with Database Data.

General Flow

The expected usage of Edk2DB is fairly simple:

  1. Instantiate the DB
  2. Register and run the necessary table generators
  3. (optional) Work with the data
  4. Release the database
  5. (optional) run queries on the database through external tools

Instantiate Edk2DB

Instantiating a database is as simple as initializing Edk2DB with the database path and optionally a Edk2Path object. The Edk2Path object is only necessary if running parsers. If you are opening an existing database to work with the data, it is not needed. You can optionally create an in-memory database by passing ":memory:" as the path.

db = Edk2DB(db_path, pathobj=pathobj)
db = Edk2DB(db_path)
db = Edk2DB(":memory")

Register and run table generators

A Table Generator is a type of parser that creates a table(s) in the database and fills it with rows of data. Pre-made table generators exist at edk2toollib.database.tables, but a user can create their own by subclassing the TableGenerator object also found at edk2toollib.database.tables. It's simple to register a table generator! simply call the register() with one or more of the instantiated parsers:

db.register(Parser2(), Parser3())

If your parser needs some type of metadata, then that metadata can be set in the initialization of the Parser (__init__(*args, **kwargs)).

db.register(Parser1(x = 5, y = 7))

A method is provided to clear any registered parsers:


Lastly is running all registered parsers. The parse(env: dict) method expects to be provided a dictionary of environment variables used when building a platform. Depending on the parser, the dictionary can be empty.

# Option 1: parse one at a time

# Option 2: parse together
db.register(Parser(key=value1), Parser(key=value2))

Table Generators

Table generators are just that, classes that subclass the TableGenerator , parse some type of information (typically the workspace) and insert the data into one of the tables managed by Edk2DB. Multiple table generators are provided by edk2toollib, and can be seen at edk2toollib.database.tables. Edk2DB can use any class that implements the TableGenerator interface.

When creating a a custom table generator, you will also need to create create an ORM mapping for your table(s). Reading the ORM Quick Start provided by sqlalchemy is the best way to go, but here is a simple example so you know what to expect

from edk2toollib.database import Edk2DB

class ExampleTable(Edk2DB.Base):
   __tablename__ "example"

   id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key = True, autoincrement=True)
   uuid: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(32))

This example simply creates a table "example" with two columns. The first is an auto-incrementing primary key while the second is a string that is always 32 characters long, representing a uuid. Between the provided documentation above and examples found at edk2toollib.database , it should be relatively simple to create a mapping.

Working with database data

As mentioned at the beggining, Edk2DB uses sqlalchemy's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) functionality for working with data in the database. This abstracts the database schema and the complexities of working with databases (particularly one that is unfamiliar or can change on use-case since adding additional tables is supported). Instead users can rely on this functionality to write simple queries and get access to database information as objects without needing to worry about the database itself.

Users should follow the ORM Querying Guide for detailed documentation, but here is a simple query example using the Mappings provided by Edk2DB at edk2toollib.database

from edk2toollib.database import Edk2DB, InstancedInf, Fv
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased

with Edk2DB(DB_PATH).session() as session:
   dsc_components_query = (
         .filter_by(cls = None, arch = "IA32")
         .order_by(InstancedInf.package_name, InstancedInf.path)

   fdf_components_query = (
         .filter(InstancedInf.arch == "IA32")

   dsc_components = set([inf.path for inf in dsc_components_query.all()])
   fdf_components = set([inf.path for inf in fdf_components_query.all()])

   unused_componets = dsc_components - fdf_components

The above example is a simple way to determine which IA32 components were compiled per the DSC but not placed in the final binary per the FDF.